About RoboCo

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Originally funded by the National Science Foundation, RoboCo is a wholesome sandbox game about designing and building robots to serve the needs of squishy hapless humans in the world of tomorrow. A PC-first, VR-compatible release inspired by makerspace programs and robotics organizations, RoboCo aims to ignite player interest in STEM fields by offering players the tools to reach their problem-solving skills and creative potential. RoboCo is developed and published by Filament Games.

⚙ Current RoboCo Development Team

RoboCo is developed and published by Filament Games. Learn more about our team members here.

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⚙ RoboCo Credits

RoboCo Development Team

  • Principle Instigator - Dan White
  • Producers - Kenny Green and Liam Craffey
  • Game Designer - Luke Jayapalan
  • UI/UX Designer - Joe Horan
  • Level Designers - Joe Horan and Alan Martin
  • Additional Level Design - Olynder Hawley, Lydia Symchych, and Katherine Wang
  • Game Engineers - Jon Kieffer, Carter Williams, Nick Curto, Luis Garcia Remes, Autumn Beauchesne, and Dylan Caldwell
  • Additional Engineering - Margot Savage and Alex Stone
  • 3D Artists - Megan Tyler, Flora Yu, Meghan Connor, Demetri Sofides, and Lynden Fenske
  • 2D Artists - Alex Yaeger and Roma Jensen
  • Audio and Video Director - Josh Bartels
  • QA Lead - Austin Smythe
  • QA Analysts - Georgia Adkins, Brian Czech, Neel Farrell, Alex Avalon, and Abraham Linsenmayer
  • Community Managers - Nicole Remily and Alyssa Froehling
  • Former Community Manager - James LaPierre
  • Localization and QA Support - TransPerfect
  • Music on the Radio - "CornCob", "Exhilarate", and "In Your Arms" by Kevin MacLeod

Filament Games Corporate Team

  • Chief Executive Officer - Dan White
  • Chief Creative Officer - Dan Norton
  • Chief Technical Officer - Alex Stone
  • VP of Partnerships and Business Development - Jennifer Javornik
  • VP of Marketing and Funding Development - Brandon Pittser
  • Web and Graphic Designer - Tracey Reinke
  • Studio Operations Director - Shaina Grade
  • Accounting Director - Charlie Klein
  • Engineering Manager - Gene Cook
  • Art Manager - Brandon Korth
  • QA Manager - Brian Czech
  • IT Manager - Jon Rakocy
  • Technology Manager (Platforms) - Johnny Ruiz
  • Web Developer - Noah Lange
  • Web Developer - Kristen San Martin
  • Administrative Assistant - Mackenzie Walter