There are 19 parts with editable properties, all of which can be found in either the Powered Category or the Cosmetic Category.

Properties Menu Example

⚙ DC Motor Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Rotational Direction Determines whether the motor spins clockwise or counter-clockwise. CW/CCW  
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off
Target RPM Rotational velocity (RPM) will try to reach at maximum input. 1-500
Max Torque Max torque (turning effect) can apply to reach its target RPM. Resize motor to increase. 200-20000
Advanced Properties Description Value
Acceleration Time How long it takes to accelerate from 0 to max velocity. 1-10
Max Break Force Max force the motor will apply while breaking. 1-50
Breaking Time How long it takes to reach max break force when no input is applied. 1-10

⚙ Servo Motor Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Rotational Direction Determines whether the motor spins clockwise or counterclockwise. CW/CCW  
Target RPM Rotational velocity (RPM) will try to reach at maximum input. 1-500
Angle Limits How far the motor can spin in each direction. 0-180, CW/CCW
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off
Max Torque Max torque (turning effect) can apply to reach its target RPM. Resize motor to increase. 200-20000
Advanced Properties Description Value
Acceleration Time How long it takes to accelerate from 0 to max velocity. 1-10
Return to Origin Will return to origin when it is not receiving input. On/Off
Oscillate Will move back and forth between min and max positions. On/Off
Map to Angle Input is mapped from min to max angles. On/Off

⚙ Small Piston Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Target Velocity Velocity that the piston will try to reach at maximum input. 1-100  
Max Force Max force that the piston will apply while trying to reach its target velocity. 1-3750
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off
Advanced Properties Description Value
Acceleration Time How long it takes to accelerate from 0 to max velocity. 1-10
Oscillate Will move back and forth between min and max positions. On/Off
Return to Origin Will return to origin when it's not receiving input. On/Off

⚙ Small Telescoping Piston Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Target Velocity Velocity that the piston will try to reach at maximum input. 1-100  
Max Force Max force that the piston will apply while trying to reach its target velocity. 1-5000
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off
Advanced Properties Description Value
Acceleration Time How long it takes to accelerate from 0 to max velocity. 1-10
Oscillate Will move back and forth between min and max positions. On/Off
Return to Origin Will return to origin when it's not receiving input. On/Off

⚙ Large Piston Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Target Velocity Velocity that the piston will try to reach at maximum input. 1-100  
Max Force Max force that the piston will apply while trying to reach its target velocity. 1-50000
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off
Advanced Properties Description Value
Acceleration Time How long it takes to accelerate from 0 to max velocity. 1-10
Oscillate Will move back and forth between min and max positions. On/Off
Return to Origin Will return to origin when it's not receiving input. On/Off

⚙ Large Telescoping Piston Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Target Velocity Velocity that the piston will try to reach at maximum input. 1-100  
Max Force Max force that the piston will apply while trying to reach its target velocity. 1-37500
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off
Advanced Properties Description Value
Acceleration Time How long it takes to accelerate from 0 to max velocity. 1-10
Oscillate Will move back and forth between min and max positions. On/Off
Return to Origin Will return to origin when it's not receiving input. On/Off

⚙ Laser Pointer Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off  

⚙ Powered LED Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off  
Pulse Sets the LED to either pulse or provide constant light. On/Off
Pulse Time Adjusts the rate of pulsing on the Powered LED. 1-10

⚙ Vacuum Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Power Power of the vacuum to suck in nearby objects. 1-10  
Airflow Direction Set the vacuum to normal or reverse airflow on start. CW/CCW
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF. On/Off

⚙ Powered Pincer Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Max Force Max force the claw exerts when opening and closing. 1-10000  
Start Closed Sets the claw to start in Open or Closed position. On/Off

⚙ Powered Claw Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Max Force Max force the claw exerts when opening and closing. 1-10000  
Start Closed Sets the claw to start in Open or Closed position. On/Off

⚙ Text Screen Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Text The text that will be displayed on the screen. Alphabetical and Numerical Characters  

⚙ Microcontroller Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
New Script Create a new script file and load it. .txt file  
API Custom API instructions to assist with Python coding. NA
Load Script Load a script to use on this robot. .txt file
Open Script Folder Opens an external window to the robot's script folder. NA
Port A port where you assign a connected part. NA
Auto-Assign Auto-assign a port to all unassigned configurable parts. NA
New Page Create a new page of ports to assign controllable parts to. NA

⚙ Touch Sensor Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Max Force Maximum force that the sensor can sense 0-30  

⚙ Inertial Motion Sensor Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Account for Gravity Will the sensor add in a factor for gravity so that stationary objects don't read as accelerating upwards against gravity On/Off  

⚙ Distance Sensor Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Visible Laser Add a visible component to the Infared laser On/Off  

⚙ Turret Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Power Power of the turret to shoot balls 1-5  
EMIT Rate Time between emissions 1-10
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF On/Off

⚙ Bubble Machine Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
EMIT Rate Time between emissions 1-10  
Particles Per Emission How many bubbles are blown out 1-5
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF On/Off

⚙ Light Bulb Properties

Basic Properties Description Value Example
Start On Sets the part to start ON or OFF On/Off  
Pulse Sets the light bulb to pulse on and off On/Off
Pulse Time Sets frequency of light bulb pulse 0-10