Control Interface Example

⚙ Controls Menu

Rotate Camera Right Mouse Button
Zoom Camera Scroll Wheel
Move Camera [W] [A] [S] [D]
Focus Camera [F] (with part selected)
Focus + Zoom Camera Double-tap [F] (with part selected)
Reset Camera [Control] + Left Mouse Button
Duplicate Part [Control] + [D] (with part selected)
Translate Tool Move parts in the environment or in the robot
Rotate Tool Rotate parts in the environment or in the robot
Change Joint Mouseover or Select Joints using [Q] and [E] to cycle through joint types and [Delete] to clear.
Remove Parts [Delete] (with part(s) selected)
Rotate Selection [Alt] + Left Mouse Button (with part(s) selected)
Rotate Snap [R] (while placing a part)
Place Duplicate [Shift] (while placing a part)
Multiselect [Shift] + Left Mouse Button
Select Connected Left Mouse Button (Double Click)
Box Select Click and drag to select multiple parts. Hold [Shift] to additively select.
Group Selected Parts [G]
Ungroup Selected Parts [U]
Undo [Control] + [Z]
Redo [Control] + [Y]
Hide UI [`]
Enter Active Mode [Space]
Robot Controls Default Controls (Left Hand)

[W] [A] [S] [D] [Q] [E]

Default Controls (Right Hand)

[I] [J] [K] [L] [U] [O]

(hold [L Shift] to move motors at half speed)

Switch Transmitters [1] [2] [3] … [8] [9] [0]

⚙ Robot Control Schemes & Re-Mapping

In RoboCo, you can choose between preset or custom controls for your robot. Using the Controls Menu, you can add, subtract or remap keys to fit your preferences.

⚙ Default Robot Control Schemes

Left Hand [W] [A] [S] [D] [Q] [E]  
Right Hand [I] [J] [K] [L] [U] [O]  

⚙ How to Map Robot Controls

Step Description Example
Step 1 Open the Controls Menu.  
Step 2 Select one of the Default Control Schemes. This example uses the Default Left Hand Control Scheme.  
Step 3 Click + Add New next to W  
Step 4 Select a powered part from the menu  
Step 5 Choose the desired action. Multiple parts may be assigned to one button, but only one action may be assigned per part.  

⚙ How to Create Custom Robot Schemes

Step Description Example
Step 1 Open the Controls Menu.  
Step 2 Click the + button at the top of the Controls Menu and select Custom Keyboard Controls  
Step 3 Click the ellipses next to the Custom Keyboard Controls. Use this button to name your custom control scheme. File:How to Create Custom Controls Step 3.png
Step 4 Click +Add New next to the top button slot File:How to Create Custom Controls Step 4.png
Step 5 Select a part and the action you want that part to take File:How to Create Custom Controls Step 5.png
Step 6 Rename the action if needed and map it to the desired key  

⚙ Controllable Robot Parts & Their Actions

Parts Actions Example
DC Motor Spin Forward

Spin Reverse

Toggle Forward

Toggle Reverse

Servo Motor Spin Forward

Spin Reverse

Toggle Forward

Toggle Reverse

Small Piston Move Out

Move In

Toggle Out

Toggle In

Small Telescoping Piston Move Out

Move In

Toggle Out

Toggle In

Large Piston Move Out

Move In

Toggle Out

Toggle In

Laser Pointer Toogle

Turn On

Turn Off


Powered LED Toggle

Turn On



Vacuum Toggle

Turn On

Toggle Off


Powered Pincer Toggle

Turn On

Toggle Off


Powered Claw Toggle

Turn On

Turn Off


Light Bulb Toggle

Turn On

Turn Off


Microcontroller Send Signal (1)

Send Signal (-1)

Toggle Signal (1)

Toggle Signal (-1)

Bubble Blower Emit

Toggle (On/Off)

Turret Emit

Toggle (On/Off)